This supplement guide is meant to be used along side with the “2d6 Game System Manual”. This book is by no means necessary to play any kind of 2d6 game. It does however provide suggestions on rules that you may or may not wish to use. We have provided a few basic genres and popular role-playing worlds for you to look at. Just because an ability is placed in one section of this book does not mean it cannot be used in a different genre, assuming there is a good reason. For example, if you wanted to create an alien race in a Star Trek world that was capable of turning invisible, by all means use the rules provided for invisibility in the Traditional Fantasy section. However some abilities may be more or less useful in different worlds, and their point cost may vary at the GM’s discretion.
Take a look at the traditional fantasy abilities and let me know what you think!
Area heal (2, prerequisite Buff 2) This ability allows you to heal your allies within a 5’ radius.
Cleave (1) If you kill someone using the aggressive combat style, you can make a second melee attack against an adjacent creature.
Piercing shot (1) If you deal a heavy wound to an enemy using a ranged weapon, you may make a secondary attack against an enemy behind the primary target with -1 Damage
Dispel Magic (2) End a single magical effect by having both the caster and the dispeller roll 2d6 adding their respective magical ability attribute (typically Intelligence or Wisdom).
Elements (1) You gain the ability to cast spells with one new element type. Suggestion elements are: fire, ice, acid, wind, electricity, poison. Spellcasters start with one element type for free.
Feather fall (1) When this spell is cast, the target can fall slowly like a feather, landing on its feet without taking damage.
Flight (2, this ability may cost more in worlds where flight is extra useful) You gain the ability to fly at your normal speed but not hover. Any attacks made while in flight take a -3 to attack.
Superior Flight (4): You gain the ability to fly, including hovering. You take no penalty to attacks while flying.
Lesser illusion (1) Create an illusion that fools one sense and cannot move (ex. make a sound, or visual illusion you can pass your hand through)
Illusion (2) Create an illusion that fools all 5 senses, but still cannot move or interact with its environment (ex a person that you can touch and smell and speaks, but does not move).
Greater Illusion (4) Create an illusion that fools all 5 senses and can move and have simple interactions with its environment (ex the illusory person can open a door or speak when spoken to, but it cannot hold a conversation).
For someone to detect an illusion, they may make an Intelligence and Logic or Wisdom and Perception versus a DL of 9 for minor illusion, 12 for illusion, and 15 for greater illusion. Other relevant skills may be used to detect the illusion at GM discretion.
Invisibility (2) You become invisible. If you touch or manipulate an object or attack something you become visible.
Greater Invisibility (4) You become invisible. You may touch and manipulate objects but cannot make attacks without becoming visible.
In combat, becoming invisible takes all your actions for the round. You can still be detected by sound and smell while invisible.
Mind Reading (4) To read an unwilling person’s mind, you and the target roll each roll 2d6 and add its wisdom. If your total is higher, you are able to learn one fact that is in that person’s mind. If your roll is lower, then you are not able read that thought, and you cannot make another attempt for that specific thought. In the event of a tie, you succeed. The moment you start attempting to read a person’s mind, they are aware of it, even if they do not understand it. You cannot read the mind of someone who is unconscious. If the target is willing in your attempt to read them, there is no roll.
Shapeshift (1/shape) You gain the ability to turn into a different form of your size or smaller (ex a different humanoid, an animal, a potted plant). For a second point, you gain the abilities of whatever you form you chose (if you turn into a bird you can fly, a fish can breathe underwater, etc.).
Polymorph (3) You gain the ability to take any humanoid form, including looking like a specific individual you have seen.
Greater Polymorph (4) You gain the ability to take any form of your size or smaller. For an additional 2 points, you gain the abilities of whatever form you take.
The GM may limit your choices or abilities at his discretion.
Quick healing (1) You heal 1 heavy wound per day, instead of one light wound.
Regeneration (2) You heal 1 light wound per hour.
Greater Regeneration (4) You heal 1 light wound per minute, can regrow lost limbs, and cannot be killed without extraordinary measures (ex incineration, dismembered and buried in separate boxes, etc.)
Resistant to element (1/element) Choose 1 element: damage dealt to you of that type is reduced by 1 light wound.
Immune to Element (2/element) Choose 1 element: you take no damage of that type.
Smite Evil (2) Once per day when you have scored a hit against an evil target, you may treat that hit as a critical hit.
Sneak Attack (1) When you hit a target that is unaware of your attack (ex you are hidden or the target does not expect you to attack), you gain a +2 bonus to damage with that attack.
Speed (1) Double the speed at which you run, swim and fly, or triple the speed at which you do one of those things (decide when you buy it).
Lessor Summon (1) You summon a small creature (ex cat, bird, snake) with 1 point in all attributes and 1 light wound. You can command the creature to perform simple actions (ex attack, climb a wall, go over there).
Summon (4) You summon a medium creature (ex wolf, boar, ape) with 3 attribute points in each category (physical, mental, social) that you can allot as you choose and 1 health point. You can command the creature to perform slightly more complicated actions, like open a door (if it has hands), guard a location, or avoid being seen.
Greater Summon (8) You summon a large creature (ex bear, horse, small dragon, demon) with 5 physical attribute points, 4 mental attribute points, and 3 social attribute points, and 1 combat style that you can allot as you choose. The creature has 2 health points. You can command the creature to perform any action that it is capable of carrying out.
Summoning a creature in combat takes up all your actions for the round, and you can only have one creature summoned at a time.
Telekinesis (2) You can manipulate objects you can see from up to 20’ away with the same dexterity as if you used your hands. Your telekinetic powers can apply up to 20 lbs. of force.
Greater Telekinesis (4) As telekinesis, but you can apply up to 100 lbs. of force. This allows a character to make magical attacks according to the normal rules.
Telepathy (1) This allows you to send messages to individuals within 30 feet. The recipient of the message is unable to respond unless he is also telepathic or you have the mind reading ability.
Teleport (2) You are able to teleport up to 20 feet to a place that you can see. You may not teleport anyone other than yourself.
Turn Undead (1) Once per day, for each undead creature within 20 feet- roll 2d6 and add your Presence, and the creature rolls 2d6 and adds their wisdom. If your total is equal or higher the creature cannot come closer to you
Unarmed Master (2) You may treat unarmed attacks as light medium or heavy weapons (you must choose before each attack roll).
Wall/ceiling climb (1) You gain the ability climb up a vertical surface or a ceiling. You must have at least one free hand (you can’t be using a two-handed weapon or have a weapon and a shiled)
Water breathe (1) You can breathe underwater. This power may cost more in certain worlds
Water walk (1) You can walk on water. This power may cost more in certain worlds.